2019 TGDF Indie Space exhibition & stage event information


Time & Date: 10:00 - 18:00, July 12th - 14th, 2019

Venue: Taipei Expo Dome (Summer Game Show

Layout: Click here to view the exhibiton layout

Stage Event: 

  • July 12th (Fri)   15:30 ~ 16:30 Opening your brain! A peek into "Life Gallery"
  • July 12th (Fri)   16:30 ~ 17:30 When deities align: "Fight of Gods" SGS Tournament I
  • July 13th (Sat)  10:30 ~ 11:30 "Evolution Island": Who's the strongest beast?
  • July 13th (Sat)  11:30 ~ 12:30 Winning territories in "Gerritory"
  • July 14th (Sun) 10:30 ~ 11:30 "Georifter" & "Aliisha" game challenges
  • July 14th (Sun) 11:30 ~ 12:30 When deities align: "Fight of Gods" SGS Tournament II




Life Gallery

This is a weird 2D puzzle game.    

A painting, a story, and a puzzle method are the game modes that let the players analyze the puzzle logically, experience the fun, and appreciate the unique paintings.

Pascal's Wager

Pascal's Wager is a dark fantasy ARPG, set in a world full of struggles in the dark ages, with everyone fights to survive, challenging the monsters to dispel the dark fog. Experience both the law of the jungle and the ordinary things that can move your heart. The game now has four characters: Terrence, Viola, Benita and Norwood, covering classes like swordsmen and shooters, with varying weapons and skills, bringing unique gameplay for players.


Gospel of Satan -  The NEW TCG for mobile devices!

Gospel of Satan is a brand new Card Game specifically designed for mobile phones and devices, you can do battle on a vertical game board, designed to be easily played with one just hand.

Build a deck by selecting cards from a pool of over 250 different spells and creatures, each with their own powerful effect.

Advance across the board with your army and Knock Down your opponent!

Build the Way

Build the way是一款3D動作平台遊戲,玩家可以操作腳色在遊戲世界中自由探索,運用腳色能力來達成關卡。角色有多種移動方式包誇跳躍、滑翔、蹬牆、攀爬等。玩家必須在複雜的3D空間中找到出口,會有少量的敵人阻撓。玩家可以利用能力擊退,亦可利用場景擊退敵人。能力,玩家有多種特殊能力,例如衝刺、二段跳等。

Hunternet Starfighter

Hunternet Starfighter is a science fiction space combat simulator with an emphasis on tactics and maneuvering. Immerse yourself with sophisticated hardware support. Customize your starfighter's thrusters, weapons, and equipment. Form a wing with friends and take on AI or compete with the best starfighter pilots from across the world. Experience great space battles like those of your favorite scifi universe, and remember pilot, check your six!



Pao Pao Pug

Pao Pao Pug is a 2D platformer that the player controls a gluttonous pug "Chou Tou", who only thinks about food all day, and can use fart to attack enemies or interact with environment! Also, the pug can eat different food to gain special farts! For example, eating ice cream makes the farts freeze enemies, and if eating chili instead, you can fire farts that burn enemies! 

Project Mobius

Project Mobius is a space opera style RPG with rouge-lite strategy, character orientated story and full of humors in this Odyssey between worlds.   

The story happens in the far future, our heroine Clara, a young genius engineer created an experimental space vessel named “Belobog”, equipped with Lv.9 Warp engines. On her maiden voyage, an accident happened, Clara and her crews enter an alternative universe, and found a mystic cyborg which have lost its memories, to help it to recover its memories, and to find their way to home, together, they step into a great journey toward adventures.


《Alleys 巷弄探險》希望帶給玩家像主題樂園般單純的探險體驗,並以英式風格的小鎮巷弄為主題。玩家可以感受到精緻的美術設計,及偵探小說般的氛圍,並自由選擇的解謎方向找尋逃出遊戲的方法。在遊戲中,《Alleys 巷弄探險》是一個巨型的密室逃脫遊戲,玩家在一個虛構的英式舊城鎮中探險,搜集資源,解開關卡,逐步發現小巷裡的故事,最後打開出口離開遊戲。

Subscribe My Adventure

Subscribe My Adventure is an RPG game that mimics the daily maintenance of social media platforms. In the game, players manage a social media account, receiving information about the next adventure marked by hashtags through interacting with NPCs. Use different hashtags to unlock dungeons and storylines, all while leveling up your character. When you enter a map, you are “streaming,” and your viewers will either like or dislike you based on your battle performance.


Klee is a simple arcade run&gun action game. You play as a swift-moving chrononaut, who neutralizes various types of highly unstable contaminated energy debris monsters by shooting up latest auto-aiming detoxification technology. Upgrade your gears with recycled fresh energy! Fix space-time anomalies to save the world, all by yourself! Plumbing has never been easier.

Jack Move - A Cyberpunk JRPG

Jack Move is a "VHS era" cyberpunk JRPG with a thrilling story, sassy female protagonist, turn-based cyberspace battles, "Hi-Bit" pixel art and 8-10 hour campaign.

Wanna Survive

《Wanna Survive》is an 8-bit zombie apocalypse turn-based strategy. It follows a diverse cast of characters as they struggle to survive and reach their personal goals.  The game features a highly streamlined combat system that removes tedious controls often associated with the genre. This allows players to focus on unit placement and synergies through fast-paced combat.

After Hibernate

PC platform 2D ARPG pixel style game  


The temple where the protagonist lives is attacked by an army led by an outsider. Therefore, the protagonist is badly hurt and thrown into an ancient well. But fortunately he is still alive. He discovers the underground remains and the forgotten history. In order to be back to the surface, the protagonist strives to fight against the intruders, searching for his way back.

Dungeon Munchies

Cook your enemies, eat them, and gain their abilities! Dungeon munchies is a mouth-watering side-scrolling action game with one rule in mind: you are what you eat.

Lulu & Ennoi Sacred Suit Girls

The newly chosen Hero, along with two girls he meets on the road, begin their adventures together. They meet other adventurers, complete various quests, and even encounter the near-extinct succubi. Should the Hero stick to his beliefs and follow his destiny, or believe the succubi and their vision of a peaceful kingdom?

Woophil: Coconut Combat

Woophil: Coconut Combat is a recreational action game with depth, whose game mode is a combination of First-Person Shooter and Tower Defense Games. In the game, the player uses various coconuts with different functions to cope with assorted mobs pushing in. The gameplay is quite flexible and the player can apply all kinds of combos available to stall and crowd control the mobs. We plan to develop a mobile version and a VR version supported for Google Cardboard and Google Daydream.


Do you feel the fire in you? Want to break free from the 9-5? Are you between the ages of 18-85? Then get fired up for the chance of a lifetime! Become an Embr Respondr- today! Embr is a frantic co-op fire-fighting (un)simulator set in a hyper-capitalist, deregulated alt-present where public firefighting funding has run dry, where venture capitalism and e-hailing rule the roost. The Embr Respondr-  is the last stand in a world ablaze.

Happy Town

Happy Town is a simple idle game in which you only have to tap the screen to collect coins. Save up enough money to upgrade your temple and increase the coins you earn per tap. You can also upgrade stores in your town to automatically generate more coins. Invite various characters to settle in your town to increase coin generation even more.

Gravity Escape

Shoot, jump and escape. Now you know how to play Gravity Escape. Gravity Escape is a 2D action puzzle game. The only one target in this game is escape from each dangerous zone. The key item is Gravity gun. Gravity gun have several abilities can help you to escape from each zones. It can change gravity direction, teleport you to another destination, attract objects far away, and more. Let's escape!

Jungle Z

Jungle Z  

On a ordinary weekend afternoon, people were enjoying a leisurely holiday. Suddenly, zombies came out from nowhere and attacking. Everyone is screaming and running, nobody knows what's going on until dead.

Urban Legend Exploration Team

You were invited to join a social media app about urban legends and join a group dedicated to researching contemporary Taiwanese urban legends, the “Urban Legend Investigation Team”. But while doing field research, you unexpectedly find your phone hacked, and suddenly become able to see the supernatural using your phone. Before you know it, you are pulled into a conspiracy about a missing person who disappeared into the otherworld...


「Dumb Fight」是一款結合物理與地形破壞的多人派對遊戲,玩家必須操控各式各樣奇形怪狀的寶寶,想盡一切辦法將敵人給轟出界外成為鬼魂。變成鬼魂的玩家則可以盡情的毀滅地形,影響所有還在場上的玩家。  簡單容易上手的操作、充滿驚奇的關卡與道具以及獨特的甩槍機制,快來跟我們一起Fight吧!


Gerritory is a multiplayer party game. Roll your cube to take over grids and defeat your opponents!


個人製作的手機端的3D橫版魂類單機硬核遊戲(Soul like),內置無縫大地圖,不分關卡,自由度高,24種不同種類的武器(包括刀,劍,斧,戰戟,長槍,雙手劍,刺劍,大錘,雙刃劍,雙刀,拳刺等等)多種盾牌,輕、重裝甲,各種特殊效果飾品,很多功能性魔法,智慧的boss,隱藏劇情和多種分支結局,玩家每一次選擇都會影響劇情的走向和遊戲的結局。

Lingua Fleur: Lily

"Unlike destined and blessed love seen in stories..."  'Lingua Fleur: Lily' is focused on friendship, love, troubles, efforts, and confusions between girls. Made with illustrations, animations, and original music, this story tells of the protagonist Yuyi Wu's secret, one very different from an 'ordinary' girl. Told in a gentle and ordinary style.

Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord

Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord is a Turn-based strategy game. The game is based on the famous Chinese historical novel. The Three Kingdoms (A.D. 190 – 280) was the tripartite division of China between the states of Wei, Shu, and Wu.

Evolution Island

Evolution island is a player versus player action game in which up to 9 players fight in an island where players fight to remain the last alive. Each match starts with players be born as different type of larva or baby monster at the bottom of the food chain,requiring players to quickly kill the creeps to get skill point and exp to make them evolved in to the Quaternary Consumers, the last person or team left alive wins the match.


《去吧!!卡路里 Calories Go》是一款體感跑酷 app,透過玩家真實的運動、左右位移、跳躍與蹲下,在真實環境裡或 3D 虛擬場景裡,閃避迎面而來的各式各樣障礙物以及獲取寶物。遊戲並會同時計算玩家消耗的卡路里進行紀錄,未來也將可與朋友進行分數排名,達到隨時隨地運動,訓練反應的娛樂效果。


TAG WAR is a virtual reality team-based multiplayer first-person shooter game for 8 players. It is a game about “Scanner and Barcode”. Player using VR controller to control the scanner in game. Scanning the barcode on item to get it, and scan the barcode on enemy to defeat him. Whenever you scan a barcode a payment add to your team’s bill. When a match is over ( Time limit : 3 mins ) the team with higher expenses win.

Church Era

"Church Era" is a fast-paced, board game-like strategy game, which its background is set in the continent of Tigris, a fantasy land inspired by old Europe during Medieval Time. Deploy your priests to acquire new parishes, declare wars toward heathens, and reveal stories behind this land by outwitting your enemies.


Georifters is a game about the heroes of five different bubbles that are accidentally connected by a strange tunnel that appeared between their worlds. Each hero holds a unique ability to push, flip, twist or turn the ground to overcome challenges and battle competitors.    

The adventure mode is available for solo players or as a co-op with friends and trails a journey of discovery as the characters travel through the fantastical neighboring bubble worlds. Battle Race is a lively competition mode where up to 4 players can show off their skills as they go head to head at full speed, battling for crystals - and bragging rights.    


- Unique mechanic that allows players to modify the ground to progress and battle each other.  

- Every character can modify the ground in a different way.  - Characters have dozens of exclusively themed costumes.  

- Character’s abilities can be improved through collectable stickers.  

- Bubble worlds are split between hundreds of different stages.

Vigil: The Longest Night




The gods are dead and the tree of life, Yggdrasill, summons her last hope to the Neverinth. History’s strongest women heed the call and begin the trial but only those who pass will earn the sacred title of Valkyrie. 

Explore the everchanging halls of the Neverinth and uncover the history of the Valkyrie. Do glorious battle against the beasts and monsters of Norse legend and uncover the hidden pasts of each heroic woman. But their trials will not be easy as they face down those that haunt the sacred halls of Valhalla, and face down aftermath of Ragnarok. 


"Aliisha" is a 2 player cooperative puzzle adventure about twin sisters and their journey of self-discovery. Summoned to the ancient Gemini Temple with the promise of a cure for their mysterious illnesses, they must work together to unearth the mysteries of the temple. Players play as the Aisha and Lisha each with their own unique skills and limitations. Lisha uses her robot to explore the temple in first person where Aisha explores in person.  Players will need to communicate with one another and use the various motion features of the Nintendo Switch to solve puzzles together. All of your decision will change the fate of the sister’s and impact their relationship.

Magical Dou-Shi Liu-Ting

Slice-em-up game theme with Taiwan local culture .    

Play as a newbie Dou-Shi , challenge Gods and get approval . Uncovering the  Mystery of grandfather's relic !

Thymesia : 記憶邊境

《Thymesia : 記憶邊境 》a 3D action role-playing PC game. Combination of realistic aesthetic style and with the atmosphere of the darkness in medieval times rendered with deadly feelings that present to the players an over and beyond game experience.      

In a way, players could create their own playstyle, by its absolutely smooth and delicate combat feedback, possibilities in action and controls along with comprehensive skill tree sets. Players could strategize freely and felt the optimal gaming experience.      

There's a myth about a town that kept Pandemic antidote...the King sent a secret to retrieve the care from the town where no one has ever stepped on the forbidden/dangerous land. One day, the secret found this mysterious map which leads him to the unknown.       

"Malice Striker" shivering echoes through his ears..., pieces by pieces, together, the intricated lore has begun.






Sunny Café

In the rainy season,  

the point when we met.  

It’s you, letting the dark clouds that around me dissipated and turn into sunny days.  

Therefore, this café is named after the sunny days that you like.  

It is called "Sunny Café”.    


"Sunny Café" is a Love Game that will recall your first love with the profound coffee's knowledge in simple terms. "Sunny Café" is undoubtedly a Love Game which both boys and girls can feel sweet and sour within love.    


With the jazz-style soundtrack, the realistic background, the localized dubbing and script, and the combination of Taiwanese characteristics and hipster's culture create a new style of AVG. This story has three plots with different endings, all of which are open endings, and each end will be subdivided into several endings based on favorability. The specially developed coffee knowledge and implementation system take the player closer to understand the variety of the third wave of fine coffee and how a good cup of coffee is made!

Alan's Automaton Workshop

Alan's Automaton Workshop is an open-ended puzzle game, based on the most fundamental theory of modern computers - the Turing machine.    

You, as a young engineer, follow entrepreneur Alan into a new business in a steampunk world – using states and transition logics to create automatons that has never seen before, to share labor and provide entertainments ... or even change the world.

Above Duo

近未來,人類生活在唯ㄧ的城市--香巴拉。利用感知改造的方式,建立了完整秩序的社會,並創造了一批保護城市的特殊隊伍,你將身為其中一員,與你操作的使魔一同執行任務。在一場破壞行動中,一名神秘女子的出現,將顛覆你對於這世界的想像。  玩家需要同時用雙手操縱不同角色來解開謎題,進入故事核心並做出關鍵抉擇。


APERTURE is a first-person atmospheric game. You play as a Taiwanese high school student, whose grades are not so good and faces severe pressure from parents: Your mother scolds you for not getting good grades, while your father always argue with her for not letting you explore your potential career.   

As your parents argue over your future paths, you begin to question whether if you can make your own choices - that is if you really have a choice...

Endangered Proposition

A girl who has fallen to a different dimension was forced to join a 16-day speed dating event. The event dictates that if a match is made, the couple will marry immediately. As a normal human with a functional brain, the event is obviously a dumbass game show.   

So, the girl started to explore each day with a burning rage.    


“A soft-hearted college student with tough exterior VS Jibber-jabbering outer dimension weirdos.”    


A new yuri (girl x girl) non-dating simulation game waiting to be unlaced.

Fight of Gods

Your prayers have been answered!   

For the first time ever, gods, holy spirits and mythological characters from around the globe and throughout history will clash in an explosive 2D fighter where the entire world is at stake! Who will emerge victorious from the most destructive combat tournament the universe has ever witnessed?