Victor Chen

Global Games Product Specialist, Google

Victor is the Global Games Product Specialist based in Mountain View. While new to the gaming industry he has been an avid gamer since he was a child. He has been with Google for over 10 years working on various roles in online advertising. As a Product Specialist, Victor works closely with our Product, Engineering and BD teams to launch new gaming features. 

Victor Chen的議程

Google Play 與台灣開發者同行

Day 1 - 09:30 - 10:30
語言: 中文

與 Google Play 一起回顧 2019 年上半年的活動與資訊,獲取 Google Play 最新動態與計劃。我們還特別邀請到來自美國Google總部的遊戲產品專家 Victor Chen 為您講解 Google Play新功能與特色。此外,來自台灣本土的遊戲開發者還將分享使用 Google Play 的心得與收穫。